As cold waters to a thirsty soul,
So is good news from a distant land.
Proverbs 25:25

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, . . . "Your God reigns!"
Isaiah 52:7
good news from a distant land (all posts)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Winter 2010 Report

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers for us this past winter, especially during these weeks in Uruguay. There is much to be done, and we know that the work is the Lord’s. We’re thankful to have a small part in a cause that cannot fail.

From February 15-20 we participated in a week of family camp at Campamento Emanuel, attended by families and individuals from churches around the country. I was asked to speak on the subject of music, both during family camp and during the EMU workers’ conference (February 22-25). The Lord provided for all three of us to travel to Uruguay and to attend these camps. Matías and Kristine Espinel were also able to spend approximately the same month here. God gave us a very profitable time with many of those with whom we will soon work. We are thankful for the encouragement of people here and for the gracious reception we received from Uruguayan missionaries and pastors. Progress was made on plans for a Bible college program, which we hope will eventually provide opportunity for many to receive training beyond what is already available on the institute level.

For much of the rest of our time here we have stayed in Pando, where Deborah’s father works. The Lord has graciously provided in many ways for Maranatha Bible Church. There is a great need for the Word of God to change hearts in this area north of the city, where sin has broken many lives and destroyed many homes. A good group of women, young people, and children attend services, and a core of these has come for many years. Please pray for men and for families to receive the Lord and for strength and wisdom for Don and Pat Garwood.

Before our return to the U.S., we plan to join our mission board director for a short trip into several cities in the interior. This will give us further familiarity with the Uruguayan churches—and them with us. The Lord has given strength for a full month, which by the time we leave will have included over thirty teaching or preaching opportunities.

In April we expect to leave our jobs and to begin full-time travel. Already we have seen the Lord provide a vehicle to make this possible. This coming spring we have meetings scheduled in North Carolina, Iowa, and Colorado. We then plan to continue through Idaho and Alberta and on to Alaska. Our goals are to introduce ourselves and the work in Uruguay, to request prayer, and to serve among the Lord’s people as He gives opportunity. We trust that this will result in our soon return to Uruguay—in 2011 if the Lord should so allow.

Uruguay’s summer is coming to an end, the camp season is over, and Christian young people are returning to schools to be surrounded by unbelieving classmates in a secular educational system. Bible institute classes will soon start in Montevideo and in other parts of the country. We know that God will protect and keep His own. Please pray to this end. Please pray for Uruguayan laborers to be raised up and trained for work in the many towns still without a faithful, Bible-preaching church. Please pray for churches to be known for their holiness, for their love, for their faithfulness to sound doctrine, and for their unity with other faithful believers. Please pray that the day will come when Uruguayan churches will help to lead the way in spreading the gospel around the world, if the Lord should leave His church here that long. In the same breath may we pray for His soon return!

Assisting Uruguayan churches in evangelism and ministry training, and asking you to do the same through your prayers,

John Mark, Déborah, and Elizabeth Steel

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