As cold waters to a thirsty soul,
So is good news from a distant land.
Proverbs 25:25

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, . . . "Your God reigns!"
Isaiah 52:7
good news from a distant land (all posts)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fall 2010 Report

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers, your kind support in various ways, and your interest in our activities this fall. We are thankful for the Lord’s provision and leading—not only during these past several months but throughout the entire year. Pictures, highlights, and requests for prayer from 2010 are included below.

September: At the beginning of the month John Mark returned from Alaska, having visited multiple churches and individuals on the drive home. (Déborah and Elizabeth had returned by plane in August.) We then took part in meetings or conferences in GA, TN, and SC. JM preached twice in our church’s neighborhood Spanish service.

October and November: We are thankful for these months in our temporary home (Greenville, SC)—time which has given rest and renewed connection with both our home church and other local churches nearby. JM began work toward the Doctor of Ministry program at BJU Seminary to further prepare for our mission of assisting Uruguayan churches, particularly in the area of ministry training. (For information, along with an introduction to the Steels and the Espinels, please see:

On October 30 God blessed us with Daniel James Matías. We are grateful to God and stand in need of His grace. And little Daniel James stands in need of the gospel if he is to be inspired by his biblical tocayos: faithful Daniel (Dan. 6); James—unbelieving half-brother turned slave of the Lord (James 1:1); and Matías—ordained a witness of the resurrection (Acts 1:22). Daniel James left the hospital the day his cousin Jonatán Torres entered for another surgery in connection with his ongoing battle with osteosarcoma cancer. Please pray for God’s grace and glory.

We are hoping that by this time next year we will be making detailed plans for our move to Uruguay. Meanwhile we anticipate what promises to be a very full schedule of meetings and other opportunities for ministry and preparation in 2011. We look forward to the continued privilege of preaching, teaching, ministering musically, and—of course—communicating the needs and opportunities that lie before us in Uruguay. We learn much from this time of local church ministry, and we thank the Lord for putting us into His service in this way. Please pray that He would accomplish His good purposes among His people and that He would continue to prepare us for work in Uruguay. We do want God to use our fleeting lives and otherwise meager service to further His kingdom; but without His grace and strength we waste our time. We trust that the Lord is putting us into the churches of His choosing, but we cannot take that for granted. Please pray for God’s guidance in such planning. Travel plans this coming winter include Michigan and Ohio. Contact us if you would like a detailed itinerary.

Bible institute classes in Uruguay end as their summer begins; and preparations there are underway for the January and February camp season. Not only will many young people and families be exposed to God’s Word, but the camp ministry also provides training opportunities for Bible institute students and others. In March of 2011, Don and Pat Garwood plan to return to the States for a six-month furlough. Please pray that the Lord would provide for adequate oversight and continued progress of the work in Pando during their absence.

Friends, do pray. Without Him you and we can do nothing of eternal value. And apart from God’s forgiveness offered in the gospel, the nations die without hope of knowing and glorifying God. Consider taking a more active role in the cause that cannot fail—that of making disciples of Jesus Christ, both on our continent and beyond!

For the sake of that Name,

John Mark, Déborah, Elizabeth, and Daniel James Steel

2010 in Brief Review:

Our future co-workers, Matías and Kristine Espinel, spent a week with us in January. Please pray for them (and their Baby Boy, due in January 2011) as you pray for us.

We spent February in Uruguay—teaching at Camp Emmanuel, spending time with Deborah’s family and Maranatha Bible Church in Pando, and visiting EMU churches in the interior.

In April and May we made a significant transition to full-time ministry: preparation for Uruguay, travel, and meetings in a group of local churches that are helping to send us to Uruguay. We enjoyed conferences and services in Iowa, Colorado, and Utah.

We participated in Vacation Bible School in one church in Alaska where we presented our anticipated work in Uruguay. Pat Garwood’s parents helped to start this church in the 1950’s.

A pleased big sister with her 9 lb. 14 oz. bodyguard (At last! Non-blurry pictures of Sasquatch!)

The Torres family is in Uruguay until December 13. Please pray for God’s name to appear very big to those in Uruguay (and North America) as we watch Him work in this difficult situation. Jona’s situation affects many of those with whom we will serve in Uruguay.

Please do pray!

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are beautiful! I hope we get to meet them when you go through!

    Cassie Smith
